Clear the stage for your muscles

The key to success for powerful aging, 7 nights incl. meals

Whether powerless & at the same time too LITTLE fat reserves or powerless & at the same time some fat pads too MUCH around the hips - too little muscles give too little strength. Already from the age of 50 the physiological reduction of the musculature accelerates. Who does nothing against it loses strength, whereby also the risk for falls and restrictions in the everyday independent life increases.


  • Preliminary medical examination
  • Dietary assessment incl. BIA measurement
  • Dietary follow-up consultation incl. BIA measurement

It is scientifically proven that the muscle cells can still constantly renew themselves into old age. This is exactly where we start with the key to success for a powerful aging.

For the muscle, on the one hand, the movement stimulus through training is important and on the other hand, the "building material" must also take place through the supplementary nutrients. We combine both pillars: Exercise + Nutrition.

Since each of our bodies has different requirements, we place particular emphasis on the individual care provided by our medical staff.

A precise analysis of the current body composition - broken down into muscle mass, fat tissue and water - enables our dietician to adapt the necessary and, above all, the RIGHT nutrients for each one very personally. Thus, not only balanced, tasty and daily freshly cooked menus, but also additional snacks in between, if necessary, ensure an optimal supply.

Based on the current fitness and nutritional status, we can thus get the best out of each individual for vigorous aging. Once the starting signal has been given after this 1 week, it is important to keep at it. Therefore, to stabilize the success, our therapists develop personal nutrition and exercise tips, for the seamless transition to further independent implementation at home in everyday life.


Already from the age of 50, the degradation of the musculature accelerates. If you don't do anything about it, you lose strength, fall more often, are unsteady in your gait, and thus have to reckon with serious limitations in your everyday independent life. The muscle cells can constantly renew themselves even into old age. This is exactly where we come in. Through our individually tailored 7-day nutrition and training program, you lay the foundation for building your muscle mass and increasing your muscle strength. The current body weight is not the deciding factor, since overweight corpulents can also have too little muscle in addition to weak thinness.

Target groups

Geriatric individuals with muscular weakness.

and with:

underweight & lack of strength

  • when the fat reserves AND the muscles are gone

and with:

overweight & lack of strength

  • when the muscles have disappeared BUT at the same time there are also too many fat deposits and a floating tire

Cachectic geriatric persons

Sarcopenic geriatric persons


  • 1 x training session - medical training therapy
  • 3 x medical training therapy (75 min. each)
  • 5 x Arsonvalization
  • 5 x swelling current
  • 2 x individual therapeutic gymnastics (25 min. each)
  • 2 x water gymnastics in a group (30 min. each)


1 week (Sunday to Sunday)

Accommodation and meals:

Standard room (single occupancy) incl. full board

from € 2.194,-

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